2025 shikoku litter planning

   Yokai Patrimpas Gruodas x

Nihon's Legend Birei Bibou 

Mochi HD-C                 Bibou HD-A

PL: 0/0 normaal          PL: 0/0 normaal

ED: free                         ED: free  

ECVO: clear                  ECVO: clear

This parent combination was partly created thanks to our collaboration with Lina Bielinyte (Lithuania) and Franziska Bolze (Germany).


Thanks to the health examinations, their genetic diversity, quality of conformation and because of their wonderfully loyal character we have choosen this combination.


We look forward to their descendants who will grow up in a homely environment. It goes without saying that we comply with the Dutch Association Breeding Regulations (VFR) of the NVAI and the Nippon Inu and the Dutch Basic Regulations for Welfare and Health (BWG).




ATAE = gift

Newsletter 1
Natsumisou ENG Nieuwsbrief.1 .pdf
Adobe Acrobat document 437.3 KB
Newsletter 2
Natsumisou ENG Newsletter.2.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document 740.9 KB




BIREI = beautiful